The spare bedroom

Neep, Elizabeth

The spare bedroom

Abstract: Armed with a super-sized backpack full of optimism, Jess sets off in search of sun, sea and a much-needed new beginning. Things don¿t get off to a good start. Instead of sunshine, she¿s met with torrential rain. Her job prospects are as dismal as the weather and that friend-of-a-friend she was meant to stay with has fallen through. Just as Jess is homeless, jobless and wishing she¿d gone for the waterproof mascara, she runs into the last person she expected to see. Sam. The ex she never got over. Jess always believed that one day fate would bring them back together. Now he¿s here, more gorgeous than ever. Before she knows it, Jess is accepting Sam¿s offer to stay in his spare room. But while she may have been less than truthful about the mess she¿s in, there is also one rather important thing Sam has neglected to mention. Suddenly Jess isn¿t just living with her ex, but with his new girlfriend too. All of that baggage she thought she left behind may have caught up with her¿ Source:

Titel / Verantwortliche: The spare bedroom / Elizabeth Neep

Veröffentlichung: Bookouture, 2020

Physische Beschreibung: 378 pages

ISBN: 9781838886394


Sprache: Englisch (Sprache des Textes, der Filmmusik usw.)

  • englisch
Allgemeine Daten (100)
  • Datumstyp: Jahr (bestimmtes Datum)
  • Datum: 2020
  • Target: Erwachsene
Texte (105)
  • Genre: Belletristik
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APA:Neep, E..(2020). The spare bedroom Bookouture.

MLA:Neep, Elizabeth, . The spare bedroom Bookouture.2020.

Chicago:Neep, Elizabeth, . (2020). The spare bedroom Bookouture.

Harvard:Neep, E..(2020). The spare bedroom Bookouture.

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